Valentine session 2024

Photos by: Sofie Ekerdine, Poster graphics by: Amandaoline 


Our first event of 2024, was a celebration of love for skateboarding, our goal was to make an inclusive event where both men and women could skate together regardless skill level and gender. The vibes throughout the night was amazing with DJ’s, best trick competition with prices from our lovely sponsors, the most awesome bartenders. Our photo booth were extensively used throughout the night, the Dance floor was on fire! And it was such a blessing seeing the elder and younger generations of Copenhagen’s skate community come together. We hope to make this an ongoing event every year on valentines, so stay tuned.

Best trick on the curb cut. With Jonas Daater on the mic, and help from our lovely friends, Mathias Eriksen, Nicoline Egeberg and Smilla Alsbirk to judge the best trick. Prizes from Vester vov vov, Elis Copenhagen, Sidewalk, Aroma flowers and chpo brand. The DJ setup throughout the night was, Nickey Guerrero, Téa and the legendary Tempo Arne. 

Photo Booth gallery

To see all Photo Booth shots click the link. 

photos by Sofie Ekerdine

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