September 9. 2023, We got the chance to design, build and host the best trick obstacle for vans shop riot nordics. At Copenhagen skatepark. It was such a fun experience to get to be creative and design something together, build it and see people skate it, the whole process was so nice, hanging out at the skatepark every night to get the build finished in time, we were super honored to get to be a part of vans shop riot 2023, and see the skaters from all over the north absolutely shred in the park, and on our obstacle. 

Our design idea was to make a row of movable boxes, that represented little skate shops, with two kickers and a ledge on top.

Designed by: Matilde Gomes, Sofie Ekerdine, Pauline Bülow and Amanda Oline .  

illustration by: Amanda Oline . skate fotos by: Steen Kelså 

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